Laugh or Go CRAZY! Live Your Best Life! » Blog Archive » 50 Ways

50 Ways

Laugh or Go Crazy has another guest on the show to share an inspirational story of kindness and gratitude. You’re going to love this unique story of gratitude and paying it forward.  Also, Michele & Steve discuss an array of topics that will sure to make you some. 

Laugh or Go CRAZY! Live Your Best Life! » Blog Archive » 50 Ways.

Why we all need to Laugh Or Go Crazy!

We are all affected by the rapid pace of this culture to survive and to just make it through to the next day and we lose sight of the meaning of living. Aside from the obvious, like working to earn a living to buy the basic necessities, such as food, clothing and putting a roof over your head.

The simplest devices we possess, we overlook. Just as we charge our mobile gadgets, humans need to recharge their soul devices. There is an app for that. It’s called “choice”. Our choice to find the beauty and good in everything, the choice to dance in the rain without an umbrella and the choice to laugh and not take life so seriously.

We can choose where we live, what we eat and how we dress ourselves, but what we tend to ignore, is our control to live a better life. Then there are occurrences that we don’t have complete control over, such as, the family were born into, our physical appearances, divorce and even the death of a loved one. But we can choose how we deal and react to them.

So, kudos to the person who coined the phrase, “laughter is the best medicine.” And to Steve and Michele, two inspirational, motivational and spiritual leaders, whose calling is to put a spin on incorporating mirth while seeking balance amidst the madness we call life through their weekly podcasts, Laugh Or Go Crazy. Their unscripted exchanges about how as a society we don’t see the big picture. There is an entity much bigger than us out there in the universe that plays a hand in our lives. And this is what brought the two of them together.

Accepting and loving who you are now. “Whatever you do, you have to love it,” exclaims Steve, during his dialogue during the “Love The You Now” show. We’re all looking to reinvent ourselves, when in fact, you’re perfect the way you are. With a little “Spiritual Tune-up to get those unbalanced gears moving in a positive direction, you’ll be ready to take on the world.

In one way shape or form, we can all relate to Steve and Michele. As educators, they have the upper hand to shed some light with their personal experiences on how it’s okay to ask for help, recognizing how special you are and not procrastinating on following through with your Summer List. We all get busy, but as Steve and Michele say, “Why Wait?” Is the quality of this opportunity going to increase if you put it off? According to this spiritual duo, “your youth is now, because tomorrow will come.”

We’re all looking for answers, but what you really should be preoccupying your time with is striving to live a better life. Go night swimming, believe you are a shining star and feel the wonder around you. Navigating through life requires laughter and seeking balance and Steve and Michele are living proof that laughter is the best medicine.

While going through the loss of a very close friend, Steve recalls a phrase that has attached itself to his everyday mantra about living a better life. While growing up as a five year old he would venture to his neighbor’s house and while he was anxiously awaiting for his friend, his friend’s mother would go on a rant about matters that a five year old has no business paying any mind to. His neighbor, who at the time was dealing with a divorce, would say to him after fretting about her life, “what are you gonna do, you laugh or go crazy.”

According to Michele, when asked about when the idea for the show came about (four years ago), she recalled, “well, I went on vacation and when I came back, Steve had the site up.”

Four years later, through all the banter and Skype connectivity issues, Steve and Michele continue to bring laughter and enlightenment to their listeners.

Follow Laugh Or Go Crazy on FacebookTwitterPinterest and Instagram (laughorgocrazyshow). And be sure to download and listen to Steve and Michele on iTunes and Podbean. Laugh Or go Crazy would love to hear from you, be sure to check their Facebook page with information on how you can call in during their live podcasts. Have a life story or comment to share with Steve and Michele. Why wait? Email them at Laugh Or Go Crazy!

Laugh Or Go Crazy listeners comments are proof positive that “a day without laughter, is a day wasted” – Charlie Chaplin

“Thank you for being real. I stumbled across this podcast and was instantly hooked. Great advice coming from two fabulous personalities. Keep making more casts. Love it.”– Dawson mommy

“Love this show. Makes you think a lot about life. Steve and Michele go so well with each other. I could listen for hours. It’s not like some spiritual shows where they talk over your head. They are great and speak at my level. – Nwmum2003

“The series has been a great inspiration to me. It is always enjoyable to listen, and the stories contain some great lessons. I listen to a number of podcasts, but I always save the Laugh Or Go Crazy podcasts for a time when I can relax and enjoy them without disruptions. I have listened to many of the shows multiple times just to reinforce the wisdom they contain.” – Avid listener from Boston

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Sharmila Tredger

Sharmila Tredger, a lyricist with a passion to express her lyrical rants through words. With 15 plus years in the Entertainment business, working in television, film and music videos. Reported on Fashion Week NYC and A list artists, such as Counting Crows, Duran Duran, Ed Kowalczyk, Michael Des Barres,Rick Springfield, Sting and Nile Rodgers.

When Was The Last Time You Had A First Time?

When Was The Last Time You Had A First Time?

I stumbled across this saying while reading other people’s Twitter posts the other night and it struck me to be a very simple but profound saying.  It has stayed with me for a week now and I finally realized why it struck a cord and I wanted to share it with everyone.

I find the biggest challenge in my spiritual journey is to remember to balance the physical part of myself with the spirit side.  Making room for the invisible or spirit side in the everyday, and allowing it to actually make decisions and take center stage.  I would consider myself to be a spiritual person and I am amazed just how often I forget about this other side of myself. This invisible spirit that we all have can be called spirituality, spirit, the invisible, the infinite, tags along with us in our day to day life.  It’s there with us without complaint or interruption and it will let the physical everyday side of ourselves take the lead if it so choses. Lately, I’ve been wondering if this ignored side of myself ever gets frustrated with the choices I make, or how often I forget that it’s there waiting to help me live a more meaningful life.

One thing is for sure; I can feel this side of myself more deeply when I am doing something for the first time.  Something brand new.  It is these times when I take on new challenges; dare to live my life differently from everyone else, or simply acting on an urge to do something out of the ordinary when I find I am living my best life. I find that when I act on these intuitions, and disregard other people’s options or possible reactions to these feelings, I feel more alive.  Its only then when I remember why it is that we are all here in the first place. We are here to have as many new experiences as possible, to love more deeply and to listen to our heart more than our head.  To live our lives with heart first, and allow our heads to work out the details on how to achieve it.  The mind cannot be the sole decision maker if we truly want to live your best live.  This I know for sure.

Recently, I was out with a group of friends and I brought up the quote “When was the last time you had a first time” to everyone. It was quiet interesting the different reactions I got. Some interpreted it literally, some spiritually, some didn’t get the quote at all.  After some explanation, I got some very interesting answers.  And so it goes with spiritual journeys. The people we love aren’t necessarily in lock step with our spiritual journey and this is ok. It would be nice if they were, but that’s not the reality. So, the people around the table started mentioning some of the “new things” they’ve tried in 2013. It ran the spectrum from trying a new phone app or new food, shopping at a different store, to totally changing one’s life, relationship, career and home.  What I found to be more interesting was that the people that had more stories of doing “new things” this year were more outwardly happy. Of course, I don’t know exactly what one is feeling on the inside, but I took their happiness at face value.  Shortly after everyone was done sharing their stories, I took a mental note to smiled to myself. I had a wonderful moment of self-congratulations and love for all the new things I had dared to try this year.  I recognized all the accomplishments that I had overlooked. For the first time in a long time, I silently had a conversation with myself like a proud parent speaking to their child.  I realized that I had listened to my heart more than my head this past year.  With every new year that passes, the topic of conversation with friends and family is what our New Year’s resolutions are going to be.  After some thinking, the most meaningful resolution for me has to be to live 2014 with my heart first followed by my head, and to think about this quote “When was the last time I had a first time” more often.  I hope you are living your best life!


Hello! My Name Is…


Welcome to our blog! We are both very excited to be able to share our stories with you through our words. For our loyal listeners, we thank you for your unconditional support and for those who just came on board, we welcome you with two set of open arms. We know that you will enjoy our blog just as much as you love listening to our banter on our radio show.

Wee are all in the midst of the madness called life. Whether you drive, take public transportation or walk to your destination today, keep in mind that life is always right in front of you. Embrace it’s beauty, good or bad and find balance to keep you focused. We’re ready to bring words of tears, joy and laughter. So kick your feet up, sit back and enjoy the show! Namaste’

All About A Cup of Coffee

For many years I have had the desire to write, and today I decided to throw caution to the wind and get busy writing.  I always hesitated to write for fear of not expressing myself clearly. It seems since I turned 40 in October, I am less concerned with what people think and more concerned with being happy and being true to myself. Please bear with me as I develop some confidence and work at improving my writing skills.

Steve and I haven’t recorded in a while, so I thought it would be fun to write this short story. I plan on telling this story to Steve and all of you during our next recording.

Over the holiday break my youngest son and I were heading out to my parent’s house to help my mom prepare dinner for Christmas Eve.  They live in the next town over, about 8 miles away. I called before I left my house and offered to pick up Dunkin Donut’s coffee on our way over.  I had every intention of going to the DD in their town, but as I was driving something told me to go to the DD closer to my home.  So I followed my gut and quickly turned into the parking lot before I passed it.  I pulled up to the drive thru and waited to place my order. I am not sure how many of you listened to the recording where  Steve and I talked about paying it forward. He told a story about how he paid for the person behind him one morning at a DD drive thru.  I always wanted to do this but wasn’t able to muster up enough courage.  Well little did I know that this was going to be the day I was going to pay it forward.  I finally placed my order after waiting a bit due to the long line. As I was about to pull up to the window a woman approached my car and asked me if she could cut in front for just a minute.  They made her coffee wrong and she wanted them to fix it.  I was not in a rush and am usually pretty patient, so I told her it was no problem and to go ahead.  It did dawn on me that she probably should have walked into the DD considering the drive thru line was long, but maybe she didn’t think of it.  Within 30 seconds the gentleman in the car behind me started screaming and honking his horn.  He carried on and on so much so that the lady’s eyes began to well up with tears.  Even I was started to get a little nervous. I am not sure if he was more upset with me for letting her go or with her for getting out of her car and walking up to the window. At this point the lady in front of me quickly collected her coffee, hopped in her car and drove off. As I paid for my coffee, I realized that this was going to be the day that I pay it forward.  I paid for the gentleman’s order and asked the lady at the register to wish him a happy holiday and to encourage him to smile.  As we pulled away my son asked me why I would pay for a mean man’s coffee. I explained to him that sometimes people need someone to be nice to them in spite of their own poor behavior.  So that was my pay it forward story.  I guess I just needed a little support and encouragement from the universe.  My hope is that this kind gesture calmed this gentleman down and helped him realize that it was just a cup of coffee.